This piece reflects a journey through Basque culture, where strongly rooted traditions are modernised and re-interpreted. Baserri blurrs the lines between tradition and the avant-garde, thus loading the basseri with symbols and significance. It draws a paralelism between the worldly and the mythological.
Choreography: Jordi Vilaseca
Performers: Miguel Ballabriga, Helena Wilhelmsson, Jordi Vilaseca, Aritz Lopez
Set Design: Enric Planas
Sound: Luis Miguel Cobos
Lighting Design: David Alcorta
Costume Design: Xabier Mujika
Production: Mengana producciones
With the collaboration of: Gobierno Vasco departamento de cultura, Hameka, Bilbo ezkena y Bad Festival
Thanks to: Sala Baratza Aretoa,Tae, Centros de danza el Canal